pelargonium guide & flowery photo album

P.x. Schotti - leaves

while i wait for this stubborn & shy beauty to come up with a new bud...
on the photo to the right, the leaf looks prickly but that's only because it's a close up. actually the leaves are very soft to the touch, velvety.


Elisabeth said...

Nydelig plante, den står på min ønskeliste ;)

Supernøtt said...

Herlige blader! Kose? ;-)

kompoStella said...

Elisabeth - jeg har taget en stikling som kan blive din om den overlever vinteren. min erfaring er, at denne ikke er let at formere *krydser fingrene*

supernøtt - ja, bladene er skønne! hvis bare man kunne lage et teppe ud af dem :-D